Sales tax is charged only on orders shipped to Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, Texas and Washington. State laws require that we charge a sales tax on the full amount of the order. Charges for shipping and handling must be included when sales tax is calculated. If you believe that you have received an incorrect charge for sales tax, please contact our Customer Service team.

You may be responsible for paying sales or use tax depending on specific state guidelines.  Texas purchasers: Texas sales tax is based on the sales tax rate of the seller's location. We are located in Austin, TX, therefore the Texas sales tax rate is 8.25%.

My organization is tax exempt. How do I place an order?

Unless you are shipping to one of the states listed above, you will not be charged sales tax. Your order can be processed online without any assistance from our Customer Service team.

If you are shipping to one of the states listed above, we recommend that you create an account online that includes your billing and shipping information. Place your order including tax and we will happily refund you the tax amount after receiving proof of your Tax Exempt status.

Please fax your tax exempt certification to: 512-369-6194 (ATTN: Order Processing). Include the following on the fax cover sheet:

  1. Contact Name
  2. Daytime telephone number
  3. Email address (for shipping confirmation)
  4. Order ID of your order

You may also email your tax exempt form to [email protected] with the information above.

I'm tax exempt. How often do I have to provide proof of my tax exempt status? requires that customers provide proof of their tax exempt status once per calendar year.